Carry-on bags
Yes, with conditions
Checked luggage
Yes, with conditions
Rules for Flights in the USA
In the United States, nicotine pouches and chewing tobacco aren’t mentioned specifically by the TSA as permitted or banned items on planes.
However, TSA does mention that all types of tobacco are allowed in carry-on and checked baggage. Therefore, there aren’t any restrictions for traveling with chewing tobacco. Nicotine pouches are tobacco-free products, so they don’t have any restrictions either, and are generally allowed in hand and hold baggage.
Dry snuff and snus tobacco products are subject to the powder rule. This means they should be under 12 ounces / 350 milliliters when traveling in carry-on luggage. Although larger powder-like products aren’t exactly forbidden, they are subject to a physical inspection at the airport and are more likely to get confiscated.
TSA does clarify that agents at the airport have the final call on whether tobacco products are allowed through security. Passengers should also consult with their carriers to see if they have restrictions against smokeless tobacco or nicotine pouches in cabin baggage.
Even if both are generally allowed on planes, the action itself of chewing tobacco or nicotine pouches is prohibited by most airlines in the United States. Therefore, even if your airline allows you to travel with them, it’s likely they have a policy against consuming smokeless tobacco during the flight.
Keep in mind that the United States Customs and Border Protection establishes a limit to how much tobacco (in its different forms) you can import into the United States if you’re returning from overseas. This limit varies depending on the country you’re returning from and the port of entry, but it’s usually 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars or their equivalent. It’s best to check with the CBP before entering the United States with large quantities of tobacco.
Rules for Flights in Other Countries
In Canada, different types of chewing tobacco (smokeless tobacco) are allowed in the cabin and checked baggage. However, the import and distribution of nicotine pouches are restricted in the country. Passengers are allowed to enter with nicotine pouches to Canada as long as the packs are under 4 milligrams. Larger nicotine packs are considered prescription drugs and are more likely to get confiscated.
Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand
On flights within Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand tobacco products including chewing tobacco (smokeless tobacco) are generally allowed in carry-on and checked baggage. However, these countries have a ban against the commercial import and selling of snus (Europe and the UK) and smokeless tobacco (Australia and New Zealand), so international passengers are only allowed to carry a small quantity for personal use. There aren’t any specific and open restrictions against nicotine pouches, and although they are similar to snus, they are tobacco-free, so we can assume they are allowed in carry-on and checked baggage.
On Chinese flights, it is not specified if chewing tobacco and nicotine pouches are allowed in hand and cargo baggage, but generally, tobacco products are allowed in both – except for heated tobacco which is limited in certain airlines. However, the independent sale of smokeless tobacco and nicotine pouches is illegal without the pre-approval of the China National Tobacco Corporation, so passengers should carry only small personal amounts when traveling. Still, some Chinese territories completely prohibit the import of smokeless tobacco.
In India chewing tobacco and nicotine pouches aren’t listed as forbidden (or permitted) in carry-on and checked baggage. But, they are generally allowed in both, unless the airline’s policy prohibits them in cabin baggage. Nonetheless, India has strong regional and national laws regulating smokeless tobacco and nicotine pouches, which means passengers aren’t allowed to import, sell and distribute smokeless tobacco without special permits. Some regions have banned smokeless tobacco, so if travelers aren’t familiar with the local law, they should avoid traveling with smokeless tobacco.
Sources: For writing this article, we took information only from official sources, like airline regulators, government websites, and major airlines. If you want to confirm that our information is accurate and up to date, click on any of the links mentioned above. We linked out to where we found this information for each country.
Disclaimer: The final decision of whether you can bring chewing tobacco and nicotine pouches on planes always rests on the security officer. Some airlines also have additional rules that may be different.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bringing Nicotine Pouches and Chewing Tobacco on Planes
Are all types of smokeless tobacco products allowed on planes (chewing tobacco, dip, snuff, etc.)?
Theoretically, all types of smokeless tobacco products are allowed in hand and checked luggage on planes in the United States. The TSA doesn’t establish any restrictions for traveling with smokeless tobacco. Although generally allowed on planes, most airlines prohibit the use of smokeless tobacco products during the flight.
Passengers traveling outside the United States should also keep in mind that smokeless tobacco is restricted in most countries in the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand. Therefore, you are allowed to bring small portions of smokeless tobacco into the country only if it’s for personal use. If you’re traveling internationally to other countries make sure to check the local rules for smokeless tobacco in your final destination.
Are all types of tobacco-free nicotine pouches allowed on planes (Zyn, ON!, Velo, etc.)?
Generally, all types of tobacco-free nicotine pouches are allowed on planes in the United States. The TSA doesn’t have any restrictions for nicotine pouches, so brands like Zyn, ON!, and Velo are permitted in carry-on and checked baggage. However, keep in mind nicotine pouches are subject to the powder rule, which establishes that powder-like products over 12 ounces / 350 milliliters in a carry-on are subject to physical inspection. Large powder quantities can also be confiscated at the airport if a security agent finds them suspicious or deem them dangerous.
Read Next: Bringing Nips (Mini Liquor Bottles) on Planes: Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Are there any differences between flying with chew internationally vs domestically?
Yes, there is a difference between flying with chewing tobacco internationally and domestically. If you’re flying domestically within the United States, then you can travel with chewing tobacco in your carry-on or checked baggage freely as it’s allowed by TSA. However, if you’re traveling internationally you should be aware that many countries have restrictions for the different types of smokeless tobacco. Australia, New Zealand, and the European Union are some of the countries where the import of smokeless tobacco is restricted. In general, international travelers are usually allowed to enter these countries with smokeless tobacco if they can prove it’s for personal use. But, there is no guarantee you won’t face problems or get your smokeless tobacco confiscated by airport security.
Can I dip on a plane?
In theory, you are allowed to dip on a plane in the United States. Nor the Federal Aviation Administration nor the Transportation Security Administration have any rules against dipping on a plane. However, most airlines in the United States, including major airlines like American Airlines and United, have policies against consuming any type of smokeless tobacco inside the cabin. The frequent spitting and the strong smell are often a source of complaints. Still, there are airlines like Southwest and JetBlue that allow dipping, so passengers should directly contact their air carrier to learn their policy.
Can I dip inside the airport?
Theoretically, you can dip (chew tobacco) in an airport in the United States. There aren’t any official rules established by the Federal Aviation Administration or the Transportation Security Administration that limit travelers from chewing tobacco. It’s generally allowed as long as the passenger is clean and doesn’t spit it on the ground. However, each airport has its rules and policies so passengers should check ahead with airport personnel if they aren’t sure if they can dip in the area.
Which airlines allow you to dip on a plane?
Officially, JetBlue and Southwest allow passengers to dip (chew tobacco) on their planes in the United States. Delta, American Airlines, United Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and Allegiant Air are some of the airlines that won’t allow you to dip on their plane.
Even if the airline you’ll be flying with doesn’t have an explicit policy against dipping, you should always consult directly with the aircraft members before dipping on a plane. Overall, it’s safer to avoid doing it, as more often than not, the airline prohibits the use of smokeless tobacco in the cabin and you might be subject to a fine if you do so.
Do I need to declare smokeless tobacco when going through security?
Passengers don’t have to declare smokeless tobacco in their bag when going through security on domestic flights in the United States. Tobacco is permitted in carry-on and checked baggage when traveling in the United States, so there is no need to let the security officer know you have smokeless tobacco in your bag.
However, if you’re returning from an international flight and you bought smokeless tobacco, you must declare it to customs when entering the country. Depending on the quantity you’re bringing back, you might need to pay duty on smokeless tobacco products.
Do you need to take out chewing tobacco when going through security?
You don’t need to take out chewing tobacco when going through security in the United States. TSA only asks for electronics larger than a cellphone, powders over 12 ounces / 350 milliliters, and the liquids bag to be taken out of your carry-on for the screening process. However, security agents might ask to do a physical inspection of powder-like smokeless tobacco, such as snus, snuff, and nicotine pouches, even if they don’t exceed the 12 ounces / 350 milliliters limit for powders in carry-on baggage. It’s best practice to have your smokeless tobacco products stored somewhere easily accessible or in a travel pouch ready to be retrieved from the carry-on bag in case it’s necessary.
Is it better to pack smokeless tobacco in hand or checked luggage?
Overall, it’s best to pack smokeless tobacco in checked baggage when traveling in the United States. Although smokeless tobacco is usually allowed on planes, the final call always comes down to the security agent’s decision at the airport. Particularly non-identified smokeless tobacco products might catch the guard’s attention. Also, if you’re not skilled at controlling the urge to dip it’s best practice to pack your smokeless tobacco in your checked baggage. Most airlines prohibit dipping inside the plane so to avoid temptation and a possible fine, it’s best to keep your smokeless tobacco in the cargo baggage.
In which countries smokeless tobacco products are banned?
Australia, New Zealand, and most countries in the European Union have partially or completely banned the sale of smokeless tobacco. International passengers are still allowed to enter these countries with smokeless tobacco as long as it is for personal use. However, the selling of snus is strictly forbidden particularly in Europe, with Sweden being the only exception to this rule. The sale and supply ban responds to a health concern, as it’s believed these tobacco products cause cancer, infections, and other diseases. The restrictions in Australia and New Zealand apply to all types of smokeless tobacco.