Carry-on bags
Checked luggage
Rules for Flights in the USA
On flights in the United States, coins are allowed in carry-on and checked baggage, whether they are pennies, quarters, or collectible coins. The quantity is not limited by TSA, so passengers can pack any amount as long as it complies with the airlines’ weight standards.
When going through security, you must remove any coins from your pockets and place them in the screening bins to avoid setting off the metal detector. If you’re carrying a large number of coins it’s also advisable to remove them from your bag for screening. Passengers that rather be discrete, can let the TSA agent know about the coins and ask for a private screening.
Passengers reaching the United States with coins that exceed $10,000 in value after an overseas trip must declare them to Customs and fill out an FINCEN 105 form. Gold coins and bullion must be declared regardless of their value and origin. Gold coins, medals, and bullion coming from Cuba, Iran, and Sudan can’t enter the country.
It’s also recommended to pack them in hand baggage and to have evidence of how these coins were acquired and that you are the owner.
Rules for Flights in Other Countries
Canadian authorities don’t mention coins in their banned or allowed list of items, but they follow similar rules to the US and permit coins in carry-on and checked baggage. Coins with a value of $10,000 or more should be declared.
Europe, the United Kingdom, and Australia
On European, United Kingdom, and Australian flights, coins are allowed in hand and cargo baggage. But, passengers must declare their coins if their value exceeds 10,000 EUR / GBP / AUD.
New Zealand
New Zealand authorities don’t specify if coins are allowed or not on planes, but generally, they are permitted onboard. Coins with a $10,000 value or more should be declared to customs. However, passengers should keep in mind they can’t take coins 50 years or older out of the country.
On Chinese flights, it is not specified if coins are allowed on cabin and cargo baggage, but overall, they are permitted on planes. Coins with a $5,000 or more value must be declared. Passengers can’t import or take out more than 20,000 RMB ($2800) from China.
In India, coins aren’t listed as allowed or banned from carry-on and cargo baggage, but they are generally allowed. Passengers must declare coins with a value of $5,000 or higher. If you aren’t a resident, you can’t bring Indian rupees (INR) into India. You must exchange your money after arriving in India.
Sources: For writing this article, we took information only from official sources, like airline regulators, government websites, and major airlines. If you want to confirm that our information is accurate and up to date, click on any of the links mentioned above. We linked out to where we found this information for each country.
Disclaimer: The final decision of whether you can bring coins on planes always rests on the security officer. Some airlines also have additional rules that may be different.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bringing Coins on Planes
Are gold and silver coins allowed on planes?
Can I bring a collection of antique, historical coins on planes?
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Do I need to declare valuable coins when traveling?
Is it better to pack coins in hand or checked luggage?
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Do I need to take out coins when going through security?
What’s the safest way to travel with coins?
Are there any rules for traveling with paper cash?
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